I have an issue with the logo I uploaded, what do I do?


Last Update há 4 anos

We’re sorry to hear that 🙁 Here are the most frequent issues we noticed:

  1. The .SVG file of logo/icon is not entirely vector format (it shouldn’t be reformatted from .PNG or any other raster type).
  2. The logo has a line of text: they need to be converted to shapes.

Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can convert your logo to .SVG:

  • Make sure your logo is a vector in the first place.
  • Open your logo in Adobe Illustrator.
  • Select the logo.
  • In the top menu bar choose Object > Expand.
  • Make sure the boxes Fill and Stroke are ticked.
  • Then go to File > Save as, and pick the .SVG format.
  • This window will pop up. Find the section Type. Instead of SVG, choose Convert to outline.
  • Make sure the boxes Include Slicing Data and Include XMP are NOT ticked.
  • Press OK, and you’re good to go!

If after converting your logo, you still have issues, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected], or using a chat box in the corner.

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