I faced a problem while I was creating a brand book. What should I do?


Last Update 4 года назад

If for any reason you cannot generate a brand book, please go back to the brand books page, re-edit the wizard and try to generate it again — "restart the system", it helps in 80% of cases.

Also, see if the following issues are not the reason you’re having problems with the brand book creation:

  1. The .SVG file of logo/icon is not entirely vector format (it shouldn’t be reformatted from .PNG or any other raster type).
  2. There are Non-Latin characters and symbols in the text areas.
  3. The logo has a line of text: they need to be converted to shapes.

If that doesn't help, contact us, describe what happened, leave your username and an email address. We’ll check what caused the issue and will get back to you shortly.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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